Zebra fish (Danio rerio): Eye (DRE), Fin (DRF) and Gill (DRG) Cell Lines

Applications: Virus propagation, toxicological studies and Gene expression.

Deposited at: CAHC Repository, Melvishram and NBFGR, Lucknow, India

Species: Zebra fish (Danio rerio)

Special Characters:

  • Optimum temperature     -    28°C
  • Chromosomal number    -    50 (2n) (Endo and Ingalls, 1968)
  • Transfection efficiency   -    High
  • Authentication                -    By PCR using primer sets of 12S rRNA gene

    Nambi, K.S.N., S.A.Majeed, G.Taju, S.Sivasubbu, N.Sunder Raj, N.Madan and A.S.Sahul Hameed, 2015. Development and use of retinal pigmented epithelial cell line from zebrafish (Danio rerio) for evaluating the toxicity of ultraviolet – B. Zebrafish, (In Press)

Developed by
Dr.A.S. Sahul Hameed, C. Abdul Hakeem College, Melvisharam – 632 509 Tamil Nadu, India.